cheek augmentation

improvement of the bone contour of the cheek area.

About Cheek

Adjusting Bone for Cheek

A cheek augmentation refers to refinement/improvement of the bone contour of the cheek area. This is usually accomplished by placement of a fitted “implant” directly on the bone of the cheek, well below the skin. The creation of facial harmony is the goal of cheek augmentation. Cheek augmentation is not simply for those who wish “high cheek bones”. In fact, an over-projected cheekbone can give the impression of a “hollow face”. Dr. Most is experienced in using a variety of specific implants to create the harmonious relationship between the nose, eye, cheek and mouth.
صحة, التجميل, عمليات جراحية, جمال, مركز تجميل, عيادة, ازالة الشعر, تكبير الثدي, شفط الدهون , تجميد الدهون , فيلر, بوتكس, هايدرا فيشال , هايدراكول, ليزر ازالة الشعر, تقشير كيمائي, تقشير البشرة, ميزوثيرابي, طب الاسنان التجميلي, تحديد اللحية, Health, Cosmetic, Surgery, Beauty, Beauty Centre, clinic, Hair removal, Breast enlargement, Liposuction, Fat Freezing, Filler, Botox, Hydra Facial, Hydracoll, Laser hair removal, Chemical peeling, Peeling skin, Mesotherapy, Cosmetic dentistry, Beard identification

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